Terms and Conditions

1.    Professionality

1.1.        I comply with the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) Code of Ethics to ensure a professional treatment process.

2.    Confidentiality and privacy

2.1. All information provided by the client will be treated completely confidentially, meaning it will not be shared with any third parties. Confidentiality may be broken only in exceptional circumstances:

  • When obligated by statutory provisions or court order

  • Where there is a threat of imminent danger to the client or others

2.2. In accordance with Dutch law, treatment records will be kept for 15 years after termination of treatment. These records are also treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties, except when legally bound to do so. Treatment records are encrypted and stored safely, ensuring confidentiality.

2.3. The client has a right to access all treatment records pertaining to themselves.

2.4. Personal and identifying information about the client is obtained only insofar it is relevant for treatment. Information about the client is only obtained from sources other than the client when deemed necessary and with a client’s written consent.

2.5. Resilience Nest Services complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in handling client data. 

2.6. Therapy sessions take place virtually on video calling platforms with end-to-end encryption (i.e. Microsoft Teams, Google Meet). These sessions may not be (video and audio) recorded.

2.7. The website www.resiliencenest.com uses cookies solely for functional and analytical purposes. These cookies are used in order to improve user experience and collect anonymous information about the use of the website. The website does not use cookies that collect identifying information such as IP addresses.

3.    Liability

3.1. Resilience Nest Services and its psychologists provide therapy in such a way that they support the client with untangling their own decision-making processes. They do not give advice, but they merely help clients come to their own conclusions. All decisions made by a client are their own responsibility. Resilience Nest cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the decisions and actions a client has made or will make. 

3.2. Resilience Nest Services can only be held liable for direct damage, for an amount not exceeding the total costs of treatment that the client has paid for thus far. The only exception is in the case of intentional gross negligence on behalf of Resilience Nest Services.

3.3. Resilience Nest Services is not liable for any damage to third parties resulting from the decisions and actions of the client. 

4.    Payment

4.1. Resilience Nest Services is a private practice that does not work with insurance companies; thus clients must pay the invoices in full themselves. Depending on the type of health insurance, a client may get a (partial) reimbursement of the costs of treatment (*note that Dutch health insurance will not cover any costs). The responsibility for this however lies solely on the client themselves. 

4.2. Payment is due 2 weeks after the date of the invoice issuance. If the invoice is not paid within this time period, a reminder email will be sent. If payment is not made within 1 week of the reminder, then a collection fee of 10% of the invoice amount will be charged. Additionally, a statutory monthly interest rate of 2% will be charged until payment is received. In the continued absence of payment, Resilience Nest Services will take debt collection measures. The costs of these measures will be added to the total amount owed by the client.

4.3. A planned session may be rescheduled or canceled free of charge, as long as it is done more than 24 hours in advance. If a planned session is canceled less than 24 hours in advance or if the client does not show up at all, the standard fee will still be charged in full.

4.4. The hourly rates are shown on the ‘services’ page of www.resiliencenest.com. These may be changed yearly, accounting for rising wages and inflation. 

5.    Complaints

5.1. If the client has any complaints, they should first discuss them with their psychologist. This can be done via email, call, or during a session. If the outcome is still not satisfactory then a client may file a complaint with the Supervisory Committee of the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP). 

6.    Presiding law

6.1. By starting treatment with Resilience Nest Services, the client agrees and accepts these terms and conditions. All agreements between Resilience Nest Services and the client are governed exclusively under Dutch law. Therefore, any disputes that cannot be solved privately shall be resolved in front of a court in the Netherlands.